Calendar Queen
Photogenic Competition
New for Miss Celebrations USA 2025/2026 pageant season......
Miss Celebrations USA Calendar Queen Photogenic Competition.
Each month we will have a photogenic competition. The contestant with the highest scoring photo will be awarded that month's Calendar Queen title.
Calendar Queens will receive their crown, embroidered sash, their basic entry fee waived at 2026 nationals, and their winning photo will be featured in our Miss Celebrations USA 2026 calendar.
Entry Fee:
$10 for 1 Photo
$25 for 3 Photos
(Proceeds will go towards our national scholarship fund)
April Calendar Queen registration and photo deadline March 30, 2025
Winner announced no later than April 3, 2025.
Email photos to Rebecca@misscelebrationsusa.com
Photo Guidelines:
Contestant must be the only person in the photo. Although photos do not have to be professional they must be good quality and high resolution (they will be blown up and placed in the calendar, so quality is a must). NO SCREENSHOTS! Edited photos are accepted, however, photos must look like the contestant and represent how the contestant appears today. Any photos that misrepresent the contestant e.g. making contestant look significantly younger or older; will be disqualified without refund. No A.I. Photos.
Disclaimer: Miss Celebrations USA reserves the right to use submitted photos
as we see fit. This includes but is not limited to any current or future advertisements.​