Policies and Procedures - General
By submitting your application or even attending a Miss Celebrations USA pageant, you agree to the rules and regulations brought forth in this agreement. Contestants or Legal Guardians (if under the age of 18) agree to the following by submitting payment, attending, or registering.
I understand that EVERYONE in our party, including the contestant, is to be a good sport at all times. The Miss Celebrations USA Pageant Program reserves the right to rescind any title or refuse entry to any event, due to any behavior or action, we deem inappropriate. I also understand that anyone in the contestants' party or the contestant themselves, who display bad sportsmanship, or any type of negative behavior, will be asked to leave the premises (or forcibly removed if necessary). This behavior could result in the disqualification of their contestant. I understand that there is an armband admission fee at all events that must be paid by everyone in our party no matter their age, except for the contestant. I understand that the National Director and/or the Associate National Director/or the Preliminary Directors reserve the right to refuse entry into the pageant for any reason as deemed necessary for that situation.
I hereby release waive and forever discharge Rebecca Crews/Miss Celebrations USA LLC. and/or Dwight Crews and their members, agents, subcontractors, employees, the promoter’s sponsors or advertiser’s owners, and lessees of premises used to conduct this event and each of them their officers and employees from all liability.
I grant the Miss Celebrations USA Pageant Program the right to use any photo taken of the contestant or the contestant's family or guests for our use however they see fit. Photographs may be used on the website and/or in advertising of the pageant program or for other purposes.
I understand that any funds submitted including but not limited to the entry fee are non-refundable and non-transferable to another pageant, or contestant should the registered contestant be unable to attend for any reason or is released from the system due to poor sportsmanship. It is up to the Director's discretion of the situation if funds will be transferred.
I understand that Miss Celebrations USA is a program based on helping those in need and feeding the hungry. I will not dedicate my reign to anything that is not related to feeding the hungry or helping young girls with personal growth.
MCUSA's National office and staff maintain the right to rescind any title or gift given to a queen for any reason we deem morally unacceptable or in direct conflict with our beliefs and cause.
Force Majeure clause: In case of acts of, God IE, snowstorms, hurricanes, floods, pandemics, etc funds are not refundable. However, they may be transferable to another title or pageant at the director's discretion, or we may choose to advance you to nationals with a credit. This includes online photogenic or online live pageants.
I agree to abide by all rules and guidelines and show respect to my fellow contestants and staff. I understand that as part of my prize package, I can advance to Miss Celebrations USA National Pageant (pending my required ad fee and official state National Competition shirt purchase unless otherwise noted).
I further understand that I may be subject to a Code of Ethics and representation clause to be signed immediately upon receiving my sash and crown at Nationals. MCUSA's National office and staff maintain the right to rescind any title or gift given to a queen for any reason we deem in direct breach of our Code of Ethics.
I understand that the directors hold the right to place a contestant in a higher or lower age group depending on birthdate, skill, or other extenuating situations. This is at the discretion of the director and national staff.
I understand that all Scholarship money is to be paid out after one year of reigning as a queen and fulfilling her duties. Scholarship money will not be paid if the queen does not complete her duties as set forward in her contract. Contestants have to be present for the duration of the National Pageant to receive their scholarship money. Returning Nationals Queens if not competing will be expected to assist the national office with pageant duties during the entire event. If they are not present they forfeit their money regardless of circumstances.
I also understand that if attendance is found to be too low to provide you and your family with the type of pageant experience that Miss Celebrations USA can be proud of, or if unforeseen circumstance or disaster occurs; Preliminary Level titles will be issued without competition (allowing the Queen to advance to Nationals with their Basic Entry Fee Paid) or pageant will be rescheduled.
I certify that the above-stated information is correct and true to the best of my knowledge.