Age Divisions are determined based on your age as of
the scheduled pageant.
There will be a 30 day grace period that goes either way
for the National Pageant.
Baby Miss (0-18months)
Toddler Miss (19-35 months)
Tiny Miss (3-4 years)
Little Miss (5-6 years)
Petite Miss (7-9 Years)
Young Miss (10-12 years)
Junior Miss (13-15 years)
Teen Miss (16-18 Years)
Miss (19-29 Years)
Ms (29 and under married and/or with kids)
Elegant Miss (30-49 years)
Elite Miss (50+ years)
Baby Mr O - 23 months
Tiny Mr 2-4 years
Little Mr 5-6 years
Young Mr 7-9 years
Pre-Teen Mr 10-12 years
Teen Mr 13-16 years
Mr 16-18 years
Miss Celebrations USA
Miss Spirit of the Celebration:
Miss Spirit of the Celebrations is one of the most prestigious titles you can earn!
The things that the judges will take into consideration when determining the Miss Spirit of the Celebration are:
*The Amount and Quality of nonperishable food donations that she is responsible for collecting and donating to the local charity the pageant is being held in honor of.
*The Number of Referrals she is responsible for (remember, each new person added to our Miss Celebrations family increase our power to help others!).
*Our Miss Spirit of the Celebration will receive her beautiful Miss Celebrations USA, Miss Spirit of the Celebrations Sash and her beautiful Crown/Tiara!
*She is automatically qualified to proceed to our yearly Nationals with her basic entry fee paid. www.misscelebrationsusa.com/nationalconfirmation
Royal Miss:
Royal Miss is another very coveted title!
Family and friends have the option of voting for the Royal Miss title. Votes are $1 each. Individuals may vote as often as they like and may purchase as many votes as they like. You will find a PayPal Button on your Pageant's Home Page where you will be able to direct family and friends to vote for you for our Royal Miss Celebrations USA.
Our Royal Miss will receive her beautiful Miss Celebrations USA, Royal Miss Sash, and her beautiful Crown/Tiara!
She is automatically qualified to proceed to our yearly Nationals with her basic entry fee paid.
Miss Photogenic:
You have the option, for a small fee, to enter three (3) three size 8x10 photos into Miss Celebrations USA pageants, you may enter more for an additional fee; however, it will be the three with the highest score that will be used to determine both the divisional photogenic winner and the overall Miss Celebrations USA, Miss Photogenic.
Our Miss Photogenic will receive her beautiful Miss Celebrations USA, Miss Photogenic Sash, and her beautiful Crown/Tiara!.
She is automatically qualified to proceed to our yearly Nationals with her basic entry fee paid.
Supreme Beauty:
Some of our Directors love the title "Supreme Beauty" and as numbers grow in a pageant may elect to offer this title. Your Miss Celebrations USA Supreme Beauty will be the contestant who scores the highest overall for that pageant. (That is the total of her Themed Wear PLUS her Formal Wear Score.) In case of a tie, other optional scores may be used to find the Supreme Beauty.
Supreme Beauty will receive her beautiful Miss Celebrations USA, Supreme Beauty Sash, and her beautiful Crown/Tiara!
She is automatically qualified to proceed to our yearly Nationals with her basic entry fee paid.
Hospitality:(prelim only)
Again it's Family and friends that will help you to achieve this title. Everyone likes a little applause! So at some of our pageants, we award the title of Miss Celebrations USA Miss Hospitality. This is the contestant who is responsible for having the most guests in the audience. The guest must check-in at the check-in table and purchase an armband to be counted. The guest can only count for ONE Contestant.
Our Miss Hospitality will receive her beautiful Miss Celebrations USA Sash and her beautiful Crown/Tiara!
She is automatically qualified to proceed to our yearly Nationals with her basic entry fee paid.