Dress Code
Miss Celebrations USA Dress Code
Below you will find general rules of thumb for appearances. When you are representing Miss Celebrations USA, your National Directors expect you to dress like the Queen that you are! The way you dress shows your pride in our system.
At the end will be adding examples of appropriate appearance attire!
Crown and Sash should always be worn unless wearing a Miss Celebrations t-shirt and hat.
General Rules:
Use Common Sense!
No short shorts, ripped jeans (or any ripped bottoms), or extreme mini skirts….be modest
No t-shirt crop tops...
No extreme crop tops…if there is more stomach showing than shirt it’s a no
No extreme plunging necklines
Absolutely no swimsuits
This means appearances where you are representing Miss Celebrations USA in a more formal environment.
This type of event includes but is not limited to: Interviews, Parades, Other Pageant Program's Events, Hospitals, Schools, Day-Cares (remember to little ones you are the Princess!), Grand Openings,
If you are riding in a parade that is using a Miss Celebrations USA official float ......you should consult the director in charge......but as a rule:
Most parades require that beauty queens wear pageant gowns!
Your National Directors request that you at least wear "cocktail" or "party wear"
Interviews where you are representing our program!
Business Suit
Sunday Dress
Sash and Crown!
For grand opening appearances:
Appropriate skirt with a nice top
Sash and Crown!
For appearances at other pageants:
As a rule of thumb always double-check with the director
Cocktail / party dress -or- Formal Pageant Wear
Sash and Crown!
For appearances at Miss Celebrations Pageants:
As a rule of thumb always double-check with the director
Cocktail / party dress
If you are going to be part of the crowning ------- Formal for crowning
Sash and Crown!
Casual Appearances:
For appearances that include manual labor (community service) or active appearances (theme park or 5k):*
Jeans, T-shirt, tennis shoes
Appropriate work out pants, T-shirt, tennis shoes
Festival/Fair Appearances:
Nice Jeans with Nice Top or Miss Celebrations USA Tee
Appropriate Skirt with Nice Top
Sash and Crown!
*For community service events, you may choose to not wear your crown and sash if it is not appropriate to do so (like at a soup kitchen or hospital). Same with theme parks or 5ks, but for those you may wear just your sash if you desire -OR- you may choose to wear your Miss Celebrations USA Tshirt !