Preliminary Pageants Mandatory Competitions
Competition Guidelines:
Miss Celebrations USA pageants are preliminaries. This means that all Miss Celebrations USA pageants lead to Nationals. We are a two-tiered system. The Miss Celebrations USA program does not hold a traditional state pageant. Our preliminary pageants are one outfit/one walk. The one walk will be based on the theme of the pageant: IE ( MCUSA MISS CHRISTMAS you would wear a Christmas themed outfit)
1. Your mandatory competition will be your Themed Casual Wear at your prelim.
The theme depends on the Name of the Celebration you are competing in.
New Year’s will require a party dress for the younger contestants or a cocktail-style dress for the older contestants.
Valentine’s Day Celebrations will require you to put together an outfit that is all about hearts, red, white, and pink. Fourth of July (Freedom Celebrations} will require a patriotic outfit so on and so forth...
Remember, that the cost of your outfit is not the point. It can be custom-made or put together using your imagination. At prelims, our walks are “freestyle” we do not have a set stage routine or walk. Just have fun and show us your personality. Please keep your feet on the stage at all times, however, No acrobatics!
The Celebration team will provide the music. The music for Themed Wear will be upbeat and fun.
2. Scoring
Contestants will be scored in each of the required competitions on the following points:
Overall Appearance:
How does she look when she first appears, does her dress or outfit fit her and look good on her, and is it appropriate for the theme.
Personality and Stage Presence:
Miss Celebrations USA is looking for personality, kindness, and a general sense of fun. We are an entry-level pageant. So their poise, self-confidence, and self-esteem will be taken into consideration and not strictly a routine or patterned walk.
(overall beauty)
Miss Photogenic:
Contestants may have the opportunity to compete for the Miss Photogenic title.
Three photogenic pictures are required to qualify for this title.
No baby doll photos, please.
The Miss Photogenic winner from each division will receive a beautiful “Miss Photogenic” pin for her sash or she may receive a custom medal or trophy.
The Overall Miss Photogenic winner will receive her beautiful Miss Celebrations USA sash, crown, and her basic entry fee to Nationals.
The Prettiest Optionals:
Contestants have the option of entering the Prettiest Eyes, Hair, and Smile optional.
A divisional winner for each of the three categories will be chosen by the judges and awarded a custom Miss Celebrations USA Medal, Sash, Trophy, etc (Again, depending on the director.)
DETAILS that you should be aware of:
Hairpieces are allowed. Make-up that is age-appropriate for a pageant is also allowed.
Please remember, however, we do not want our two years old to look 24.
No flippers period.
No spray tans, no false lashes or fingernails on our Baby, Toddler, Tiny or Little Miss, please.
We are a family-orientated program. If the judges deem your outfit to be tasteless, showing too much, then you will have points deducted.
We don’t mind a prop or two, however, you must be able to place them on the stage and remove them from the stage in a matter of seconds. Please remember, that it is the contestant’s responsibility to place and remove props.
A Quick Reminder about Rules of Conduct:
Miss Celebrations USA is looking for personality and heart. We, the Miss Celebrations USA Leadership Team, promise you an honest and fair pageant. We promise to treat all your family and friends with respect. Having made those promises to you we expect you to treat fellow Queens and Contestants with kindness and respect.
Bad sportsmanship of any type will result in your disqualification not only from the Celebration you are participating in but all Miss Celebrations USA programs. You the contestant, are responsible for the people in your party. Bad behavior by a family member or friend could result in the contestant being disqualified and may also result in being banned for the program.