Queen's points
What are Queen's Points?
Queen's Points are points that queens earn for activities that include: Community Service and helping those in need. We here at MCUSA want to give back to the community and the Queens points is a quantifiable way of tracking those activities that can lead to a National Title....(National Community Service Signature Title.)
Why do I need to keep track of my points?
One of the most prestigious titles at Nationals will be our National Community Service Queen.
This title will be determined by the National team based on your Queen's Points and the Activities you do to earn them. Just because you have the most Queens points doesn't ensure that you will win. We will judge based on the number of points and the Quality and Impact of your service. This title is a Judged title and the judges and the National team will vote on who deserves it. The judges will be looking for the Queen whom they feel was the most well-rounded and impactful in their community.
They will be looking at the Community Service each queen was involved in, along with the activities she did to promote our program. All these things will be considered.
Please also remember to send a picture of you performing your community service activities to rebecca@misscelebrationsusa.com.
Remember, she will also need a short description of your activity so that she can feature you on the Miss Celebrations USA Facebook Fan Page.
Appropriate Attire
When you are representing our program at an appearance of any type of event, you are expected to dress like the Queen that you are! To read the specific guidelines for the appropriate dress go to www.misscelebrationsusa,com/dresscode:Celebrations T-Shirts are available at www.misscelebrationsusa.com/store
What is the true meaning of community service?
Community service is when you do something for someone else without the intentions of getting a reward or. money. This service should benefit someone other than yourself and it should be done because you would like to help and not because you are required to.
Community Service (per hour of service)......................................................................................... 200 Points
Again, you must send Mrs. Rebecca a picture as proof of your activities along with a short article to go with the picture(s). You receive 200 Queens Points for submitting the article.....................AND IF SHE PUBLISHES IT on either of our public Facebook Pages or Instagram you get an additional ...........................................1000 Points
1. Collect Food
Contact your local food bank and they will provide you with the necessary information and materials to have a food drive. For example, most food banks provide a food drive organization kit, most wanted food list, and more. Encourage people to donate their favorite food items. IE Blessing Boxes
2. Recycling
Starting a recycling program is a big task but a worthwhile one.
3. Community Garden
A community garden is a great way to bond with your community and provide healthy food. You may be able to identify a sponsor to help get your garden started. Consider making a garden just for children, so they can learn about the process of gardening. It is a great educational opportunity.
4. Cleanup
A community cleanup will improve the look of your neighborhood or park and inspire people to keep the space looking great. Hosting a potluck after is a wonderful way to celebrate this community achievement!
5. Blood drive
Every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood. By participating in a blood drive, you and your community can make a real difference. The American Red Cross provides planning assistance, recruitment tools, equipment, supplies, and a trained staff to screen and collect donations safely.
6. Give New Coats to Kids in Need
Starting an Operation Warm coat program for your local low-income school is a great way to serve your community. This is a wonderful way to strengthen your community ties while helping local children stay warm.
7. Volunteer
Volunteering is a rewarding experience that brings people of all ages together for a good cause. Get involved with a great organization like Habitat for Humanity or something local to you.
There are many other things that could be done. If you have an idea that is not listed please contact Rebecca or your state director to see if the activity aligns with our goals for this program.