Q & A
Hello, I am Rebecca Crews, the National Director of Miss Celebrations USA. This page is an attempt to give you the information you need to understand "Why?" we have some of the policies, rules, and procedures that we do.
It was our Founder, Sherry Crews, who decided that all pageants should be State (or Mini-State) pageants. It allows our Royalty to concentrate on competing at Nationals.......giving them time to get involved in Community Service work and allows them to work on a National Signature title immediately upon being crowned. They don't have to wait until after their "State" pageant to get really involved in the National Fun!
I promise you that there are reasons and loads of thought that go into every decision or program. Sometimes, however, it just doesn't get communicated to you the Royalty or Parent. That is what this page is for: to explain and answer some of your questions. If we get asked a question several times, it will most likely appear with an answer on this page.
Questions that may have crossed your mind?
1. Why is it that an escort has to be on stage with their Baby Miss and Toddler Miss?
The answer to this is for the safety of your child and the Miss Celebrations USA program.
2. Why is it Miss Photogenic and Fashionista optionals do not count as a tie-breaking optionals? The Miss Photogenic and Fashionista Optionals are the ONLY Optionals that lead to a National title.
A total of 3 pictures are included in the Miss Photogenic Optional Title Entry Fee.....you can add more for a small price.....and the three highest-scoring pictures will be used to determine our "National Miss Photogenic" and our divisional winners.
However, the optionals that count as tiebreakers are Interview and All of the OOC (Outfit of Choice - Themed Wear Competitions) .
3. What Optional Competitions do move forward in case of a tie?
The optionals that count as tiebreakers are:
*Patriotic Wear
*Valentine's Wear
*Christmas Wear
*Fun Fashion
4.Why is it so important for me and my family to use the Miss Celebrations USA’s Official Hotel and Room Block? By using the hotel room block you will recieve a discount on your hotel room as well as having your resort fee waived.